I Have A Little Girl

I have a little girl
And I have big dreams for her.
These dreams are different
but no less than that of others

Someday she would run to me
when i would call her name
And will pull me by the arm
And urge me to play a game.

I dream that she would come from school
and tell me about her day
And I would listen with tears in my eyes
For all that she has to say.

Someday she would jump, dance and draw
And would achieve her best
And I would be able to close my eyes in peace
when I finally lay to rest

I know as years have gone by
many of my dreams have come true
I feel so proud of her
for all that she can do.

And the tiniest of her achievements
makes me happier than ever
for they are solid little steps
in the path of my big dreams for her.


  1. Very well-written and all I can say is, your attempt at poetry with all its emotions, has left me HAPPY.

  2. Very touching- from one mom to another.

  3. Wonderful Pooja. I'm sure your dreams will be a reality one day. Keep dreaming. We all love your little girl... :)

  4. Excellent expression and thoughts; show deep love, determination and capacity to take up the challenges. Keep it up - expression, sharing and action. Lots of love.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. First time I chanced upon your blog today. This one is best of the lot till now. Keep writing!


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