Non Contextual Laughing: Secret Ways to Fun.

So, Tuhina has random spells of non contextual laughing several times a day. It happens anytime, anywhere - in the bathroom, on dinner table, in the car... Sometimes you could feel there was a reason which made sense just to her but did not matter to lesser beings like us. Like the wind just made her frock flutter, or the dog just barked outside breaking the silence of the street. But many time we could not find the source of her joyous moods. 

Sometimes she uses laughing to her advantage as an escape mechanism, especially during table top work time and at times like these, it becomes a bit of a challenge. But apart from a few irritating moments when we struggle to get attention of our laughing buddha, it is hearty and amusing to see her not giving a second thought to the chaos around her, because she is so busy laughing her head off. And sometimes she manages to pull us into her hysteria. Many a times, in moments like these, I have looked at her and wondered if its a challenging behavior or a gift, for I don't remember myself having laughed so heartily in a long long time. 

Funny thing is that, irritating that it is to struggle with getting works done and instructions passed across as 'madam ji' has zoned out in la-la land, you can't even properly be angry about it and end up smiling at the situation. 

I have seen her phase where she would not be able to tolerate 2 new people at home and I have seen kids and families who suffer with anxiety issues with slightest changes, and I feel with all the non contextual laughing, Tuhina is such a happy child most of the times. Of all the highs and lows that autism brings about, this is one thing I can happily do with for the rest of our lives. :)


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