A piece of happiness
Some moments give you a reason to smile.. just like that. You don't have to wait for big happy events to happen to give you that exhilarating feeling; some very small things can do the job. Although the imperfect person that I am, I keep on searching or thinking about those big moments with a 'kaash..', but i have also noticed that since a very long time, I have seldom felt truly happy at the big happy occasions, rather have many times felt that feeling of deep contentment and happiness with the smallest of achievements of tuhina. Being the mother of a special child has made me appreciate the minutest of things tuhi does, which only a person in my position could understand, for i know it has taken much more effort from her to learn something which is a natural progression for other children and for which other parents may not give a second thought.
Today was one such day of those small drops of happiness. Before going out with Tuhina, i told her that we are going out and asked her to bring her shoes (kept a few feet away). She went to her shoes, bent to pick them up and brought them to me. I then asked her to bring my purse, phone and car keys one by one, all kept few feet away and she could actually bring the things to me. In doing so she could comprehend the situation, identify the objects and carry out the instructions at a distance which is a very new learning for her. It was such a proud mommy moment for me.
I know all days are not same. With her it is a roller coaster ride of many ups and downs. There are bad days also when the impatient devil in me comes out . But days like today are a breath of fresh air. Such days give hope that with all the ups and downs, it will eventually be an upward ride. So proud of my girl today.
Today was one such day of those small drops of happiness. Before going out with Tuhina, i told her that we are going out and asked her to bring her shoes (kept a few feet away). She went to her shoes, bent to pick them up and brought them to me. I then asked her to bring my purse, phone and car keys one by one, all kept few feet away and she could actually bring the things to me. In doing so she could comprehend the situation, identify the objects and carry out the instructions at a distance which is a very new learning for her. It was such a proud mommy moment for me.
I know all days are not same. With her it is a roller coaster ride of many ups and downs. There are bad days also when the impatient devil in me comes out . But days like today are a breath of fresh air. Such days give hope that with all the ups and downs, it will eventually be an upward ride. So proud of my girl today.
Multitudes of such small drops of happiness will eventually lead to a bountiful rainfall of contentment! :)